All submitted manuscripts should contain original research not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Papers may come from any country but must be written in American English.
Initial submission
Authors are required to submit manuscripts via e-mail (name.surname[at] of the current executive editor). We cannot consider hardcopy submissions for publication. Please prepare the text in Microsoft Word or rtf-format. When submitting a manuscript, please include the following information:
- Information about the authors (affiliation, postal address, e-mail address)
- Tables and graphics separately in in Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Powerpoint.
Additionally, please stick to the formal requirements presented below, especially concerning citations and graphics. Manuscripts disregarding the guidelines may be returned for revision prior to any reviewing activity.
Organization of the manuscript
Manuscripts can be arranged in the following order:
- Title, author(s), and complete name(s) of institution(s), postal addresses, corresponding author’s e-mail address
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Discussion
- References
These guidelines are, however, flexible, especially for case studies. To structure your manuscript, please try to restrict yourself to a maximum of three levels of headlines.
References and footnotes
The authors are fully responsible for the accuracy of the references.
Citations in the text contain only authors’ names and date of publication [e.g. (Leker, 2001), (Bröring and Leker, 2006) or (Bröring et al., 2006) when three or more authors]. Full references have to be included at the end of the paper in alphabetical order using the following style:
[name of author], [first letter of first name] ([year of publication]): [title], [edition], [publisher], [place], [pages].Cooper, R. G., Edgett, S. J., Kleinschmidt, E. J. (2001):Â Portfolio Management for New Products, 2nd ed., Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, pp.9-13.
Book chapters:
[name of author], [first letter of first name] ([year of publication]): [title], in: [name of editor], [first letter of editor’s first name] (ed.), [title of complete work], [publisher], [place], [pages].Leker, J. (2001): Strategie: Grundlagen und Anwendung, in: Festel, G., Hassan, A., Leker, J., Bamelis, P. (ed.), Betriebswirtschaftslehre für Chemiker: Eine Praxisorientierte Einführung, Springer, Berlin, pp. 74-88.
Journal papers:
[name of author], [first letter of first name] ([year of publication]): [title], [journal], [volume] ([issue]), [pages].Bröring, S., Leker, J., Rümer, S. (2006): Radicalor Not-Assessing Innovation in Established Firms, International Journal of Product Development, 3 (2), pp. 152-166.
Online sources:
[name of author], [first letter of first name] ([year of publication]): [title], available at [address of website], accessed [date of last retrieval].McGill, M. (2005):Â Biotechnology company goes public, available at, accessed 16 June 2008.
Tables and figures
Tables must have titles and sufficient empirical detail in a legend immediately following the title to be understandable without reference to the text. Each column in a table must have a heading, and abbreviations, when necessary, should be defined in the legend. Please number the tables.
Figures must have titles and explanatory legends containing sufficient detail to make the figure easily understood. Appropriately sized numbers, letters, and symbols should be used. The abscissa and ordinate should be clearly labeled with appropriately sized type.
Revise text in Microsoft Word. Revise graphics at publication quality resolution. You may submit the revised manuscript as a single Microsoft Word document. Please send the revised manuscript via e-mail to the Editor who contacted you.
You will need:
- Your submission number
- A cover letter with information for the Executive Editor and responses to raised concerns
- The revised manuscript.
The Executive Editor responsible for your submission might ask you to change the format of your files in order to publish it. If the manuscript does not fulfil the formal requirements, the paper might be denied publication.