Journal of Business Chemistry October 2024
Dear Readers, Sustainability is a recurring topic for our Journal. The October issue focuses on the intersection of sustainability, corporate governance, data management in the chemical industry and M&A activities in the global battery industry. These articles collectively emphasise the pivotal role of sustainability, innovation and financial management in determining the trajectory of industries that […]
Interview with Prof. Dr. Martin Artz conducted by Andrea Kanzler. Prof. Dr. Martin Artz is leading the Institute of Management Accounting & Control at the University of Münster, His research focus is on the areas of management accounting and control, Sustainability Measurement, data-driven performance measurement and strategy implementation. 1. How has the integration of […]
The increasing importance of sustainability goes hand in hand with higher demand, more visibility and a more intensive exchange of sustainability data and information, both along the value chain and within a company. Previous ways of managing this data and information are inefficient, slow and error-prone. The goal for Evonik Oxeno (1) was therefore to […]
Abstract The objective of this study is to examine the international value streams associated with the battery industry, which plays a pivotal role in the global effort to combat climate change. This research provides an in-depth analysis of mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the global battery market, as a tool for monitoring the innovation strategies […]