by | Jun 2023
Abstract To achieve climate neutrality, as envisaged in the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal, the energy-intensive process industries play a key role. However, shifting their energy base to non-fossil sources and to reduce non-energy related emissions, is a... by | Feb 2023
Regional innovation ecosystems The term innovation ecosystem describes a network of companies and other entities through which information and resources flow to create value and is an analogy to natural ecosystems. As natural ecosystems differ, each region provides...
by | Feb 2023
Abstract In a review and theoretical analysis, Quality Function Deployment, Design Thinking and complementary methodologies have been assessed as supporting instruments in the development of non-assembled products. The findings demonstrate that QFD and DT... by | Feb 2023
Abstract The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the state of play in the transfer of chemistry research from universities to start-ups and to look at factors that promote or inhibit this process. Therefore, in the first step, important definitions such as...
by | Feb 2023
Abstract The Northern Netherlands is an unique environment for sustainably-minded (bio)chemical businesses due to the regional availability of renewable feedstock, energy and existing infrastructure as well as the proximity to excellent knowledge centers and upscaling...